Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Graphic Design Manifesto

There is a reason why this document was so important for me and other Graphic Designer.  It gives us credit for what we make instead of what we are advertising.  Even at my age, I know it is important because it gives me oppertunitys as a Graphic Designer. It shows I can  create something not for money but for just a chance to show what it is I can do.
My abilitys and knowledge that I can in with when I started Graphic Design has increased since I started.  I learned that there are different areas in which graphic design is done.  For example, I didn't know what Enviromental Design was and now I have a good understanding of it.  My abilitys have grown since I started too.  I knew how to photoshop but through having Graphic Design I have learned how to create or do interesting things with photos by just following a turtoial.  I can say that this class will help with future computer classes and helps me understand what to expect in a future job.  As it is, I wished there was a adavanced Graphic Design class avaible to take.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Music on the Mind

For my final project we had to create an example of photo manipulation.  I decided to use a photo of myself and make it look like text.  I got the idea from a tutorial I found online.  I thought it turned out pretty well.  The text I used was the chorus from a song I like.  It makes it look like I was made out of words.  And overall I am happy with how it turned out.  It's a tad hard to read the words but I still like it anyway.  It may not be the best example of photo manipulation but it was one of the things that came up when I searched for it online.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Movie Poster

In this project we had to create either a graduation annoucement or a old western movie poster.  I choose to create a movie poster because I thought it would be neat to do.  I decided to make mine look like a wanted poster.   The name of my movie would be Wanted Dead or Alive.  I made a list of actors who would be playing in it under the main photo like some movies.  I thought it turned out pretty well.  And I got the idea from seeing a tutorial on making a wanted poster.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shirt Design

This was the design I made for the contest.  I decided to use black for the shirt color, and decided to use yellow and blue on the pattern.  I edited the text so it had a yellow eletric wave to it using photoshop and did the same thing to the paw print.  I think changed the color of the text and the paw print themselves to blue. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Interesting Music Facts Graph

In this project we were suppose to create a graph in an interesting way and still include information.  I did mine on interesting facts about music.  I added in information on things like amount of music sold in a year's time and how it has decreased.  I also added in how things in music has changed and what once was popular has changed.  Mine didn't have any really order, but how I made my graph was to compare the differences and changes through the years.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

InfoGraphic Timeline

Our newest project was to create a timeline.  We got the information from what we were given.  The timeline was based on the change in Graphic Design over the years.  Someone of the information started from the 1860's and went clear to the 2000's.  We took what information we wrote down and put it into the format of a timeline.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


In this project,  we had  sketched our own icons.  We had to create atleast 4.  Then we took them and put them on a screenshot of a device like you would normally see examples of.  Like a phone or computer screen.  I choose to do mine on a Iphone.  I created a icon for a website, a music player, a different version of paint, and a game called paint splatter.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Today, we had to go online to find, then sketch, 10 examples of icons.  After we had all 10 sketched, we then had to pick what ever program we wanted to use and make the icons digital.  And these are the examples of mine:


This one was for Facebook

And this one was for Twitter
And this one was for blogger

Friday, September 7, 2012

Ice Cream Menu

In this project, we were to take a menu, or create our own, for icecream.  If we created our own, the highest grade we could of got is an B, but if we took a picture of a menu, and put our own on it, the highest grade we could get was an A.  So I put mine over an already existing menu.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blank Wall

With working with Enviromental Design, we had to take the blank wall we took a picture of a blank wall and we had to create an example of Engiromental Design.  With mine, I used photoshop elements, and layer by layer created a design on the wall.

This was the wall before:

This was the wall after:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Enviromental Design

Today in Graphic Design we learned about Enviromental Design.  After we learned what is was, we had to go around the school taking pictures of Enviromental Design.  We then uploaded them onto our computer and paste them in our Graphic Design folder.  Finally, we made a collage of the pictures we took.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Magazine Advertisment

In this assignment, we had to create an advertisment for our magazine.  Starting off, we had to create the template we were going to use for it.  I decided to go with a shoe advertisment.  And I carried on the idea of using the company I made, and making the add for a shoe collection from the store.

Magazine Cover

In this project, we had to create a magazine cover.  We had to start by drawing three sketches from different magazines.  Then we choose which on we liked and then create a magazine using the template.  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Identity Standards

Identity Standards
            The purpose of this document is for showing the proper use of the logo, the proper colors, the fonts to use, what the bad uses of the logo are, and what the goods uses are.  It also shows how the logo is used on cards, letterheads, and envelopes.  This logo is specifically for the TB Boutique.  And it follows standards if the logo is to be re-used. 
Bad Use
To prevent any problems, please reframe from changing the logo in any way other those specified in the Good Use section.  The following is a list of things not to do:
Do not add background color behind the image if on a white background


Do not rotate the image

Do not reposition the logo

Good Use of logo

There are specifically ways for the logo to be used to prevent any confusion or mishaps.  It is in the best interest to follow the proper use of the logo.

The proper way to use the logo is to have the image (in its original colors) follow by the text saying TB Boutique in the font Impact, size 36.If the logo needs the colors switched, it can be switched into a black and white color scale instead of the original colors with the font as Gloucester MT Extra Condensed, size 36.



Cards, etc.
            To prevent any fraud or any other problems, there is specified way to use or reprint any of the company’s cards, letterheads, and envelopes.  Any change to format other than the following is not proper use of the logo.


There are only a few fonts that can be used for the logo unless the company is contacted and the font is approved.For the logo the proper font is Impact, size 36 for the logo itself.Gloucester MT Extra Condensed, size 36 can be also used if it is used in the right way (refer to the Good Use of Logo section).
For TB Boutique, specific colors have been assigned for the logo.  Please reframe from changing the logo’s color in any way except for the colors it should be.

 The only other color palette that can be used for the logo is:  

So in other words, reframe from editing our company’s logo. The logo is specifically used for TB Boutique, not for any other purpose. It is for our products which our company took pride in making for the public. Our logo is put onto only the products we make, and we would like it to stay that way. But if it is to be changed in any sort of way, it has to follow our instruction for changes.  Any misuse of the logo can cause trouble and confusion for our company.  So reframe from doing so. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TB Boutique

After finally creating our logo on, we  moved on to making a buisness using our logo.  After we had an idea of what our buisness was going to be, we made a buisness card, a letterhead, and a envelope using our logo on it. We had to find a way to do that, while still using the logo we had created.


For our assignment, we had to create a logo using our intials.  We started out with just sketching out ideas out first.  Then we had to choose which one we liked better.  Finally, we made our logo on

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic Design is a combination of images, words and ideas that give information to an audience.  Many jobs have graphic design combined in it.   And without graphic design, we wouldn't have the things we have.  Jobs that  graphic design in them include: Creative/Art Director, Layout Artist, Brand Identify Desgin, Logo Designers, Flash Designer, Illlustrator, Techinical Illustrator, Photo Editing, Multimedia Designer, Photographer, Prepress Techinician, and Web Designer.  So Graphic Design gives a layout to much of the jobs in the world.  Without it, we wouldn't have some of the brand names images or logos we have today.  Graphic Design plays a huge part in the world.